
The most important qualities of a successful piano teacher are patience, selflessness, and the ability to inspire. As a teacher, I try to embody all of these traits in order to help my students succeed and reach their full musical potential. I am understanding of different learning styles and have realistic expectations, yet always challenge my students to discover, learn, and improve beyond their boundaries. I am dedicated to my students’ needs above all else and provide support and mentorship that goes beyond the learning of notes. I am enthusiastic about teaching and eager to share the joy of music. I believe that every student can succeed and has the potential for personal growth. Through a positive, goal-oriented environment, I believe that learning can be both successful and fulfilling.

Classical piano contains history, culture, science, mathematics, physical coordination, and, most importantly, creativity. In my teaching, I aim to address all of these areas through an approach that integrates music history, theory, technique, musicianship, and artistry to provide a well-rounded education.

No matter the level or background, I customize my lessons to fit the needs of the student. For younger pianists, I approach traditional piano curriculum through games and other creative methods in order to give students opportunities to explore and create, and to instill an excitement about music early on. For intermediate and advanced learners, I select a combination of piano literature and exercises, addressing both technical and artistic challenges, to best further the student’s musical development.

Public performance is a vital experience and a skill that is cultivated through practice. In order to develop this skill, I guide students in learning and memorizing their repertoire in preparation for studio classes and recitals. The ultimate goal is for students to reach their highest level of performance and experience the satisfaction of sharing their music with others.

My teaching experiences have afforded me the opportunity to become involved with various integrated music curricula, relate to students of all levels from diverse backgrounds, and develop an innovative teaching approach. Through my teaching, I hope to help enrich my students’ educations and lives, increase their appreciation for music, and realize their individual potentials and abilities.